Pet Care Resourceshgrave232019-06-26T19:02:48+00:00
Here is a list of companies, service providers and organizations that we highly recommend. Feel free to pay them a visit.

Parkway Animal Clinic
Love the knowledge, care and compassion from the Dr. and the staff. I have been going to them since they opened and taking all six of my pets, as well as clients pets.

The National Association of Professional Pet Sitters is a great resource for pet information and possible pet sitters in your area.

Little Rascals Rescue
I know the owner and have been to the facility and love how she runs and manages her newbies and gets them ready for their forever home.

Pet Amber Alert
Great data base for anyone who losses a pet and it is nation wide. They also have pet detectives to help in your search.

TAGG is a GPS tracker collar that will notify you on your phone regarding the whereabouts your dog is. Helps monitor your pets temp and nutrition.

The Animal Rescue Site
This is my favorite site for finding neat items to give to my clients. Every item that is purchased helps to feed animals and they also help other causes as well.
Keeping your pets happy, healthy and safe!